the Website?
spending more then a few minutes browsing these
pages you may be wondering why would anyone
honestly care about this stuff so much to make
this site? I have loved history and old buildings
as long as I can remember. Being an inquisitive
fellow I like to know why things are the way
they are. Thus I was drawn to the ruins of Detroit.
me these buildings represent the past and future
of the city. They include many of the most prominent
public spaces in the city. The auditoriums of
the United Artists and Madison, the ballrooms
of the Statler and Book-Cadillac, the waiting
room of the Michigan Central Depot. These places
are of amazing historical significance to the
city. Not just in its political and social life,
but to the lives of the thousands who passed
through their doors.
are places the city cannot afford to lose. Now
that Detroit is recovering from its 40 year
decline the ruins question is being faced. Should
they be demolished for a new development, or
refurbished? I am a staunch preservationist.
It is my opinion that they MUST be restored.
Any development is good but a reopened Statler
or Book-Cadillac would only make Detroit greater.
site is a presentation of the historical and
present day information I have compiled on some
of these buildings. I have spent a great deal
of time digging up facts and photos of these
places. In 1999 I was fortunate enough to tour
many of the major ruins. My intent with the
site is to preserve the memory, and hopefully
shape opinions in favor of the preservation
of these landmarks.
the Author
Kohrman is graduate from Western Michigan University
and Ball State University and holds an MS in
Historic Preservation. He likes old buildings
, Legos, The A-Team, Bond movies, and other
fun things.