

Since the time I first put this page together there has been an explosion of Detroit webpages. What follows is a list of links who's content I feel is of particular great value and interest. Know of any more? Send me an email.

Detroit Sites
The Book-Cadillac I've Known
Prehaps my favorite Detroit link. Dan's telling of the Book-Cadillac's demise at the hands of the street miners.
Preservation Wayne
The largest preservation group in Detroit. They offer many great tours. Rarely updated but it provides membership information.
Historic American Buildings Survey
Gobs of photos of many Detroit landmarks taken for the HABS survey. Includes the Metropolitan Building, Rivera Theatre, and Olympia Stadium.
Exploring the MCS/Book-Cadillac Hotel
Fellow explorer Josh's images of the Book-Cadillac and Michigan Central Depot.
The Fabulous Ruins of Detroit
The original and famous photo tour of Detroit. The main site is rarely updated but the site is keep interesting with regular mini-tours and a highly active, sometimes interesting, aways funny forum.
Regularly updated Detroit photoblog.
Regularly updated diary style local UE page with well written accounts and photos.
Virtual Motor City
Wonderful searchable database of Detroit News photographs provided by Wayne State University.
Detroit Pix
Large selection of Detroit photographs.
Forgotten Michigan
Large local urban exploration site with forum.
Northville Tunnels
Detailed website about the Wayne County Training School.
Save Fort Wayne
Knowledgeable page on the decaying Fort Wayne.
Michigan Central Depot Sites
Exploring the MCS
Fellow explorer Josh's images of the Book-Cadillac and Michigan Central Depot.
Inside Southwest Detroit: MCD Tour
A collection of interesting, often off-angled photos.
Xavier's Haven: MCS
Account and photos of exploring MCS.
Large collection of photos, including bird's-eye views.
Tim Feresten's MCS
Great collection of photos.
Ruins of a Golden Age
Article in Metropolis Magazine with some great photos
Other Sites of Interest
Buffalo Exploration
Wonderful photos of many interesting ruins in Buffalo New York, including the famous Buffalo Central Terminal.
Built St. Louis
An exhaustive site covering St. Louis's built environment in beautiful detail. Tons of photos and information on one of the most beautiful city's in the world.
Sonic Atrophy
A great urban exploration site based in St. Louis. This site offers many wonderful photos of a wide variety of sites ranging from a meat packing plant to a giant hospital.

Northeast Prussia
Not really intended as a UE or ruins site, however I find this one of the most disturbing. This beautifully designed site offers many great photos of the northern portion of the German provence of East Prussia, under Soviet/Russian occupation since 1945. Many beautiful ruins of old castles, churches and farms in and about Konigsberg and the surrounding towns. Socialism only destroys!!!

Forgotten New York
A facinating look at the Big Apple. History is all around!
The definative resource for urban exploration. Includes a wide variety of sites and stories and a UE forum.

Built Kalamazoo
My desperately-needs-updating tour of Kalamazoo.


Copyright 1999 - 2004, David Kohrman
Last updated on March 3, 2006